Keeping Your Unit Clean

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Keeping Your Unit Clean

When I found out that I would be working in another country for a few years, I realized that I didn't want to haul all of my things with me on the road. I decided to rent a storage unit, but I had no idea how to keep my things pristine while they were in storage. The first time I rented a unit, I returned to find my things covered in dust, which created a lot of extra work. This website is here to help other homeowners to keep their things clean while they are in storage, so that you don't have to worry about extra trouble.

The Benefits Of Using Self Storage As An Event Planner

25 March 2021
 Categories: , Blog

If you are an event planner, you know how important it is to remain organized at all times. Keeping track of your contacts, invoices, decorations, supplies, and everything else can be overwhelming. If you work out of an office in your home, then staying organized is that much more important. As an event planner, you will accumulate a lot of things. The more stuff that you accumulate, the more clutter that is going to occur in the garage or spare room. Read More …

Storage Units And Small Business Growth

1 December 2020
 Categories: , Blog

When most people think about storage units, they think about housing holiday decorations, sporting equipment, or old furniture. Today's storage units have the potential to do more than just house miscellaneous household items. A storage unit could be a vital tool when it comes to the growth of your small business, for example. Investing in a storage unit will offer your business a number of benefits that will contribute to greater success in the future. Read More …

Even With At-Home Pods, Self-Storage Is Still Relevant

19 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

The options for storage have changed a bit over the past few years. Putting items in a storage unit that you rent monthly used to be the only real storage option. Now, customers have the option of renting a pod that sits in their own backyard. Pods have become quite common, and they do have their advantages. (It's really nice to know your things are right outside if you need them! Read More …

How To Store Beddings

22 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Keeping beddings safely in storage is not difficult if you know what you are doing. If just shove the beddings in a storage place, however, you can come back to find the materials ruined by pests, moisture, or stains, among other things. Below are some helpful tips to help you keep your bedding safe and secure during storage. Clean the Beddings You need to clean and dry your beddings before taking them to storage. Read More …

Renting Your First Office Suite: Tips For Startup Owners

13 July 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Your little startup business has grown, and you're ready for more growth. But before you can hire a few employees and really expand, you need to rent your first office suite. This process can be a little intimidating the first time around, but you'll make it through — successfully — if you follow these tips. 1. Make sure you have a clear, growth-focused business plan. Saying "we're going to grow" is not enough. Read More …