Keeping Your Unit Clean

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Keeping Your Unit Clean

When I found out that I would be working in another country for a few years, I realized that I didn't want to haul all of my things with me on the road. I decided to rent a storage unit, but I had no idea how to keep my things pristine while they were in storage. The first time I rented a unit, I returned to find my things covered in dust, which created a lot of extra work. This website is here to help other homeowners to keep their things clean while they are in storage, so that you don't have to worry about extra trouble.

Are You Going To Be Weeks Or Months Between Houses? Know The Best Storage Options

30 June 2016
 Categories: , Blog

If there is a time difference between the time you are selling your house, and moving into your new house, you may be worried about where you can put all your stuff. There are a few different affordable options that may work for your storage needs, depending on how much stuff you have and how long you need to have the items stored. Moving Company Truck Is a moving company doing the heavy lifting and all of the packing for you with the move? Read More …

3 Stylish Ways To Label Your Self Storage Boxes

18 February 2016
 Categories: , Articles

If you rent a self storage unit, then you probably already know the importance of organizing your belongings and labeling your boxes in order to easily find what you need at a later date. However, labeling doesn't need to be boring or tedious. If you find yourself getting a headache from spreadsheets or a cramped hand from writing out labels, here are a few creative labeling systems that will help you keep track of your belongings. Read More …

Tips For Storing Appliances In A Storage Unit

28 January 2016
 Categories: , Articles

If you are planning on building a house after you sell your home, you may be considering renting an apartment for a short amount of time during this transition. If so, you will probably need to rent a storage unit to store some of your things, including your appliances. You really do not need a heated storage shed for appliances; however, there are several steps you should take before you place the appliances in a storage unit. Read More …

Adopt These Three Effective Habits Of Clutter Cutters

30 October 2015
 Categories: , Articles

There is no doubt that most people love their possessions. But, without taking control of your possessions, you will ultimately find yourself controlled by your possessions. One negative side-effect of losing control over how you manage your items is the emergence of clutter. While it seems that some people are particularly adept at preventing clutter, it isn't that they are any smarter than anyone else. Instead, they have adopted a few habits that keep clutter from building and becoming overwhelming. Read More …

2 Cost-Effective Ways To Protect Your Storage Unit

29 October 2015
 Categories: , Articles

After taking the time to choose a great self storage unit facility and move all of your things, the last thing you probably want to deal with is a burglary. Unfortunately, storage theft does happen—even at the best facilities. For example, thieves cut the locks off of a staggering 37 storage units at a Pennsylvania storage facility in October of 2015—stealing contents and leaving the owners reeling. Fortunately, you might be able to keep your things safe without spending a lot of money. Read More …